„Lay people work as human beings of the Church in the middle of the world and as human beings of the world within the Church”

Created by the Statutory Assembly of the European Lay Forum, Vienna, 2nd July2012

„Lay people work as human beings of the Church in the middle of the world and as human beings of the world within the Church”    Puebla 786


“The joy and hope, the sorrow and fear of the people of today, especially the poor, are also the joy and hope, the sorrow and fears of the disciples of Christ.” (GS1)

The membership organisations of the ELF feel especially engaged by this statement of Vatican II.  As Christians we are aware of the contrast between the realities of society and human dignity, as we find it expressed in the gospel.  This challenges us to social and political engagement which is generated by our spirituality.


The Common Priesthood of the Baptised and Confirmed

Through baptism and confirmation all members have the same dignity and shared responsibility.  We are called according to our own charisma by Our Lord to be disciples. We partake in the priestly, kingly, and prophetic mission of Christ. We are called to respond with compassion and solidarity especially to the most vulnerable people in our societies.


Lay People in Leadership roles

In parishes and dioceses lay people are increasingly being given tasks and positions of leadership. The practical assignment of responsibilities depends on the concrete situation and on the persons able to do the work. 

In order to better prepare the Church to face the future, the services and positions for lay people envisaged in the current Code of Canon Law will need to be opened up further to employed and voluntary lay people.


Cooperation between Bishops, Priests, Deacons and Lay People

The shared service to the God’s mission as Church in the world is the decisive basis for cooperation in parishes, dioceses, communities, associations, and spiritual communities. We as ELF support all efforts at mutual acceptance and appreciation. We are engaged in a culture of dialogue and the constructive dealing with conflict.

We call attention to the need for various Councils and co-responsible participation in all parishes and dioceses. Through the collegiality of the Bishops the engagement of the lay people will also be supported.

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